Spanish has the same alphabet as English. The Koran is the holy book for Muslims.

Did you know that their are four main languages spoken in Spain? The most common is Castilian Spanish, which is spoken by seventy-four percent of the population. Castilian Spanish was established in the late fifteenth century by King Ferdinand. The second most common is Catalan, which is spoken by seventeen percent of the population. It spread quickly through the Iberian Peninsula in the 9th century. Seven percent of Spaniards speak Galician. It was founded early, in 19 BC. The least common is Basque, which is spoken by two percent of the population. It was founded in the second and first centuries BC.

These four languages originated from many other languages. Spanish came mostly from Latin. Latin was changed to make a new language spoken in the Iberian Peninsula. When the Moors from Northern Africa took over Spain, they taught them Arabic. The Moors also built the Alhambra, the second place we will be visiting on our trip. We were surprised to find that Arabic was mixed with Spanish to create modern Spanish, which changed and adapted over the years. The Spanish language spread through many conquered countries such as Mexico and Peru. Spanish is also very closely related to English, the language that we speak! The two languages both come from Latin and share many similar words. This means English has similarities with Arabic as well!